Wednesday, January 26, 2011

President Obama vs. Paul Ryan - Who understands our Problems?

To the untuned hear, President Obama’s speech should have been well-received. During his speech, he continually preached that we need to reduce the deficit. I agree in part. We need to reduce it to zero. The untuned hear confuses “deficit” with “debt.”

“Reducing the deficit” to anything greater than zero, increases our national debt.

Deficit spending and running up debt is not a long term success strategy for the USA.

This message resonates with the American people. Amercians can relate to the fact that running up their personal debt (deficit spending) is not a personal success strategy, and they are certain that it is not a long term success strategy for the USA.

There is nothing “radical” in such thought, as such thought is held by the vast majority of Americans (and I suspect the vast majority of people that comment on this blog).

Unless President Obama decides to tackle our debt (instead of half measures like “reducing the deficit”), he will have a difficult time with the right and the center.

So let's look at their speeches and count how many times each said "deficit" and "debt."

Obama in a much longer speech
Deficit - 11 times
Debt - 1 time

Ryan in a much shorter speech
Deficit - 2 times
Debt - 12 times

So, who is more laser focused on the real problem facing the USA?

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