Saturday, April 14, 2012

Rotarians at Work Day - Nevada County Fairgrounds

On April 10, 2012, the Nevada County Board of Supervisors proclaimed today Rotarians at Work Day in Nevada County. Today, around two hundred Rotarians, boys and girls scouts, Interact students, and FFA and 4H students descended upon the "jewel of Nevada County" in order to "improve and beautify one of the county's best assets."

Here are some pictures from Nevada County South's project - repainting the administration building (thanks to Marcel Verdooner for the photos and thanks to Jim Moule for the paint)!

John Hart from The Union took a ton of pictures too.  His pictures are here.

Resolution of the Board Of Supervisors of the County Of NEVADA, State of California, Proclaiming APRIL 14, 2012, As ROTARIANS AT WORK Day In NEVADA County and Commending AREA Rotary for Their Ongoing Public ServICE

Whereas, in 1911, Rotarians enthusiastically adopted the motto “Service Above Self” because it so aptly articulated the ideals that the fledgling organization was in the process of developing and every Rotarian in the world has the opportunity to renew their commitment to this timeless message of compassion and generosity of spirit by participating in Rotarians At Work Day.

WHEREAS, Rotary brings a 105-year history of providing humanitarian service, encouraging high ethical standards, and helping build goodwill and peace in the world, through our local Rotary Clubs which are part of Rotary International and include more than 1.2 million Rotarians in 34,000 clubs in 200 nations and who initiate service projects to address today’s challenges.  In western Nevada County there are five area Rotary Clubs:  Nevada County South, Grass Valley, 49er Breakfast, Nevada City and Penn Valley, representing 300 business and professional people.

Whereas, the Nevada County Fairgrounds in Grass Valley, California, is home to the Nevada County Fair, the Draft Horse Classic, and the Country Christmas Faire. Located under tall pine trees, the fairgrounds are commonly referred to as “California’s Most Beautiful Fairgrounds.” 

Whereas, the Nevada County Fair is an economic engine generating tangible benefits beyond the educational, cultural, and agricultural tradition including approximately $20,813,000 in spending activity alone in 2009 – benefiting the local economy and creating a ripple effect of economic benefit for the state.

WHEREAS, now the Nevada County Fairgrounds faces a total loss of funding from the State of California under the proposed budget which results in a reduction of about $250,000 to the Nevada County Fairgrounds annually, but the Nevada County Fairgrounds facing dramatic cuts in funding from the State of California provides an opportunity for Rotarians to step in and make a difference.

WHEREAS, the five area Rotary Clubs of western Nevada County organized nine work projects at the Nevada County Fairgrounds which are expect to beautify the fairgrounds and alleviate the financial stress caused by these difficult financial times.  The nine projects will be accomplished with the help of some 200 volunteer Rotarians and youngsters from 4H, FFA, Boy and Girl Scouts, and Rotary Youth Service Clubs.  It will be the largest effort ever organized by local Rotary Clubs to improve and beautify one of the county's best assets.

WHEREAS, Rotary International declared Saturday, April 14, 2012, as Rotarians at Work Day in Nevada County.  In its eighth year, Rotarians, both locally and throughout the world, will be working on improving our communities.

Now, Therefore, Be It Resolved, the Nevada County Board of Supervisors does declare Saturday, April 14, 2012, as Rotary Work Day in Nevada County and congratulates and commends the Rotary International, and specifically the five area Rotary Clubs:  Nevada County South, Grass Valley, 49er Breakfast, Nevada City and Penn Valley, for their efforts stated hereinabove and for their ongoing local and international public service.

Thank you to all of the local area volunteers for your tireless work today (and everyday) on behalf of our wonderful community!

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