Saturday, October 6, 2012

Jan Arbuckle and Howard Levine for Grass Valley City Council

Before we even get started looking at this city council race, let's be clear about the most important partisan issue. Whether you are a Republican or Democrat in local races is irrelevant. Our local issues are local and not partisan, and those who continue to harp on partisanship need to find more cogent arguments.

I am disappointed that Yolanda Cookson is not running. We love her, but having a newborn and blossoming family certainly changes one's priorities.

Jan Arbuckle (who is a Republican) has been a good council person during her service. In order to unseat an incumbent, challengers will have to point out why a change needs to be made. I have not seen any valid argurments. In an attempt to disqualify her, Jeff Pelline would point out that Jan was endorsed by the local Republican party, but this strange partisan argument is not based on merit - just rhetoric - and does not demonstrate why a change should be made. It is true that less sophisticated voters may be swayed by these local partisan endorsements for local races, but local commentators need to dig a little deeper.

During his tenure as the executive director of the Grass Valley Downtown Association, Howard Levine (who is a Democrat) has proven time and again that he loves Grass Valley. I am confident that he will always do what is best for Grass valley regardless of local politics. He is a great guy with the best interests of Grass valley in his heart.

When we moved here in 1998, Nevada City was the place to be. It was cool, and the atmosphere in the town was amazing. Grass Valley simply did not have the same aura as Nevada City. Under the leadership of the Grass Valley City Council, the Grass Valley Downtown Association, and the Grass Valley Chamber, Grass Valley has subplanted Nevada City as the place to be in western Nevada County. There is more going on in Grass Valley and the quality of the events ia better. It is amazing the transformation that has occurred in the past 15 years. At this point, making drastic changes to the leadership in the city would be unwise.

Again, partisan politics in local races is irrelevant - we need to be looking at the candidates' records. The records of Jan and Howard are exemplary, and I am confident that both Jan Arbuckle and Howard Levine will bring continued success to Grass Valley.

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